General, Home Improvement

Swamp Vs. Evaporative Cooler: Differences?

In the summer, a swamp cooler or evaporative cooler can make the difference between lounging comfortably and feeling like you stepped into a sauna. What’s the difference between a swamp cooler and an evaporative cooler? Swamp cooler vs evaporative cooler: difference? Swamp coolers are larger than evaporative coolers. “Swamp cooler” refers to a whole-house evaporative …


The Condition of Sex Workers Amid COVID-19 in Paris, Belgique, and Suisse

Coronavirus outbreak has negatively affected many industries. However, there is one specific for which the impact has been extreme and unavoidable – The industry of sex workers.  Unfortunately, the term essential labour which is used for occupations without which day-to-day needs of citizens cannot be met isn’t used for sex workers. Even in locations where …