There is another kind of short-term loan besides Payday loan that is offered by Lending stream. This is also a flexible kind of short-term loan.
If you are interested in lending Stream loan alternative and not very much aware about this, then you can get in touch with LoanPig, who can offer you all kind of help and guidance. By applying for any kind of short term loans from Loan Pig, you can get lots of benefits that you may not find anywhere else.
Lending stream
Let us understand here that Lending Stream is just another lender of short-term loan. Lending Stream is actually a part of the GAIN Credit LLC, which is one subsidiary of the GAIN Credit, Inc. Lending Stream offers alternative loans, where you can select payment period between 2 to 6 months for repaying instalments.
As a new client, you will be allowed to apply for maximum amount of £800, but in case you already had taken loan from them, then your maximum loan amount will be £1,500. You can either apply on the website of Lending Stream or through the app.
If you use responsibly, then this short-term loan can be quite useful for you. Lending Stream also is not concerned about your credit rating when you are in need of loan. They will consider your application based on your merit.
Eligibility criteria while applying for Lending Stream loan
In order to apply for any loan from Lending Stream following criteria will be considered:
- Applicant must be engaged in regular employment
- Your monthly income must be minimum £400
- Applicant must be UK resident
- You must be minimum 18 years old
- You must have valid debit card
- You must have active bank account.
Will Lending Stream charge fee?
If you miss your repayment for the first time then up to £15 will be charged. In case you miss your payment again then if full £15 was not charged before then further £15 will be charged,
Besides that, no application and transaction fees or any early repayment fees will be charged.
Alternate of Lending Stream
You can always take a right decision by doing enough research, which can help you obtaining many more info. In case of Lending Stream, you will be restricted in your option of payment period that is up to 6 months. If it is fine with you then you can go ahead with them.
However, if you are interested to extend your loan repayment period for more than 6 months, then you can also contact with Loan Pig. Loan Pig can offer you the repayment period which is between 3 to 12 months.
Also, as a new client of Lending Stream, they will restrict your loan amount maximum up to £800, however if you approach to Loan Pig then they can offer their short term lenders the loan amount up to £1500, even if you are their first client.
As mentioned before, Loan Pig deals with all kinds of short-term loan including Payday loans. They can also offer you much better deal as compared to Lending Stream or any other lenders available in the market.